
Jasmine the Shark

As with any Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, I got to work at 10am.
Assembly, sunshine song, weather forecast, jumping, dancing, etc.

But I totally didn't realize Friday meant Park Time!
Every Friday, the kindergarteners go to the park and play for about 15 minutes. Last Friday it was raining so we didn't go. This was my first park field trip :)

This trip was so much fun!

We left at 11:45am. It was supposed to be 11:30 but playdough time, snack time, and bathroom time took much longer than I expected. Finally the all the kids were gathered at the door, putting their shoes and jackets on.

As we waited for Michiko, one of the managers, a kid named Kouki and I were playing/talking.

"So Kouki, are you excited to go to the park?"
"Me ::kneels down:: TOO! ::bops the tip his nose::"
Kouki laughs and touches my hair.

"Hair! Yucky hair!" he says over and over.
Kids are so unpredictable.

"Nooo, don't say that, Kouki. That's not nice.."
"NO! NOT YUCKY! NO KOUKI," exclaims Asuka.

Asuka is another kindergartener who loves my hair. She absolutely loves patting the top of my head. If I let her, I'd bet she'd spend at least 20 minutes doing it, which is saying a lot for a 5-year old.

"Thank you Asuka," I said with a smile.
I looked at Kouki and tried to explain to him that it's very mean to say that. "My hair's different from your's, but you can't say it's yucky, Kouki."

We'll see if it happens again. If so, I'll have to drill it in. Something tells me I won't have to though.
It's funny, when Kouki first met me, he was the main one climbing on my back and touching my hair! I'm not taking his comment personally though, haha. Kids will be kids. But you have to teach them what's right early on so they don't form any bad habits.

Anyway, we all went to the park and getting there was half the adventure, at least for me. Everyday I realize more and more how much attention kids need. Wow. A very watchful eye must be kept on all of the kids at all times.
Even though we had 10 kids, paired each kid with a partner and had them in rows, having less than three teachers would've been a disaster!

"No running, Shouta!"
"Boop-boop! Stay inside the white lines" (sidewalk, Japanese style)
"Watch the cars!"
"Oh! Pick up your shoe, Yuki!"

Yes, Yuki did lose his shoe as he walked to the park, haha.

But when we finally got there, the kids had a blast. Some immediately ran to the jungle gym, some started playing hide and seek. I stood there watching them play and I was really amazed at how vast their imaginations were.
Asuka and Ai were on the slide. As Ai was at the bottom climbing her way up, Asuka was at the top of the slide, extending a hand to Ai trying to "save her." From what, I have no idea, haha. But it gave me the idea to act as a predator of some sort.

Thus, Jasmine the Shark began.

"Okay guys, listen up! I'm going to be the shark, and if you're on top of the jungle gym, you're safe! If you go off the jungle gym, you have to run from me!"

I didn't even have to explain the rules again, the game was in full swing before I even said "go!"

Little shrill screams came from each of the kids as I put my hands up above my head indicating a shark fin. I ran around that jungle gym with a vengeance, looking for prey.

"Raaaaaah! Raaaaah!" I wailed as kids ran to the jungle gym.
Yamato, the real jock of all the kindergarteners, jumped down from the jungle gym, came close to me and when I tried to catch him, he ran away with swift speed... maniacally laughing as he got away.
This went on for a few minutes and from the jungle gym, I started getting requests of what villain I should become next.

"BE A SNAKE, JASMINE!" shouted Ai.

"SSSSssssss! SSSSSssssss" I hissed, switching up characters.
The shrill little laughter/screams were even louder this time.

"BE A LION!!" shouted Yuki.

Yuki had the cutest little smile on his face, I swear.

Somehow the kids got little harmless sticks from the trees and started hitting my jeans. Since this didn't hurt, I let the twigs be my krypotonite. They hit me and let out defeated cries.
Of course, some of the kids got too rough with the sticks, as expected. But simply telling them to not hit so hard did the trick. They didn't want me to stop playing the game so they listened, haha.

Unfortunately since we got off to a late start, we had to end park time 10 mins earlier. But they had a lot of fun so they didn't even complain about heading back. I don't even think they noticed the shortened time.

On the way back, my manager Michiko said, "I loved your shark! The kids loved it!"

That meant alot :)

So much more happened today, since I taught two other classes that were both filled with noteworthy stories. But I'm tired and this post is already so long!

Ashita ne!

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